Friday, August 19, 2011

Beauty vs Brains in Female Leaders?

It appears that some employers put a higher value on an attractive face than qualifications or experience!  A PR agency admits that whilst the quality of their service is their main attraction for clients, having good looking account executives is a bonus enjoyed by clients.  It seems that as much as we think that appearance dosen’t count, it does!  This relates quite strongly in client facing roles according to Professor Nicola Rumsey who heads the Centre for Appearance Research at the University.  In these roles, your appearance is selling the image of the company you work for”.  As a society, we are pretty much obsessed with looks and reward attractive people accordingly.

Fact:  men age more attractively than women.  Does that mean we need to botox and have a face lift to stay in the corporate world?  I say 'no'!  What it does mean is that we must be fully conscious of being appropriate, current and professional.  I have worked with many senior, intelligent women who have been passed over due to their image, not their brains.  So much of this is about wearing shapes, colours and accessories that make the most of who you are and don't serve as a 'visual distraction' and barrier to communication.

How’s this!  Research has proved that attractive people are found guilty less often in course and receive less severe sentences.  Attractive applicants also have a better chance of getting better paid jobs.  One survey revealed that employees spent 1/5 of their salary on looking the part as they believe that the right image is vital to their career.

In comes personal branding.  It’s no longer acceptable to have a great business card, website and an attractive entrance to the building with great feng shui.  An organisation’s staff need to reflect the brand too!  Good looks is about taking care of your appearance and being appropriate, NOT looking like a cat walk model. 

Confused about all this?  check out successful female leaders internationally.  They have all made some attempt at being visually appealing.  I reckon they were onto something!  Indira Ghandi, Golda Meir and even Margaret Thatcher in her pearls.  You wont find botox here, but they sure did understand the power of perceptions!

Most people just don’t know what they don’t know.  It’s a great skill to know how to manage the perceptions of your clients and peers with visual tactics.  First impressions speak volumes.  You can tell a lot about someone by the way they dress and the attention they pay to their grooming levels. Of course you must be able to back it up with the knowledge and skill required for your position.  Research has shown that visual impressions are not so important when the relationship is well established, but remember you need to get to that stage by making a good first impression!  The world we live and do business in is highly visual today.  Get savvy and get skilled!

If you are a female leader, Image Quest can help you step up and match your brand to your brain!  Contact