Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Creating the experience - Retail & Stylist

Australian retailers and stylists are new kids on the block when it comes to creating an experience for the client ...

I've experienced being ignored by fashion retailers, asked if I'm right, told to yell out if I need help and told that nothing will fit me in this store.

I have experienced the work of many image professionals and stylists.  I've had first hand experience of the good, the bad and the butt ugly. 

One stylist told me my time was up and I needed to pay another fee if I required her to continue.  Rapport broke instantly .... and she had no idea.

Another one opened my eyes to new possibilities by creating new combinations from what I already had.  I could not see this for myself.  Money well spent on that clever stylist!  Of course I rebooked that one.  She created an awesome experience for me.

I believe in taking a dose of my own medicine.  How can I best serve my own clients if I am not on the receiving end of a styling consultation?

As a professional stylist, I am very aware of the need to create the experience and have good relationships with fashion retailers.  Treating them with the respect they deserve and enrolling their assistance has stood me in good stead for my client.

Some retailers are GOLD at helping to create a fabulous experience for clients and others just don't give a toss.  I'm liking the GOLD experience personally, and I know from feedback that my clients like to roll that way too.

I'd love to hear what has worked for you and what experiences you just won't revisit ...........

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