Fear of the unknown, fear of being vulnerable with what was going on in that wardrobe given the obvious success of her career. Via text, she agreed and when we met she confessed to the frozen fear and admitted that the intensity must mean she needs to do it.
Brave I reckon! So we forged ahead. You see, magic happens when you allow a stylist into your living space. How do I know? I've done it myself. In fact, I do it often to ensure I stay current and sometimes I learn how not to be with my own clients. It's a humbling experience.
I got to see how this executive does quality in her home and in her wardrobe. She walks the talk. She found a jacket that worked and purchased the same in another colour. She did what she knew. From now on she will know a few more things. We allowed some items to retire and we re-invented the rest. Then we built a list around what is now essential to take up precious wardrobe space.
Once she had decided that this was going to happen, she trusted completely in the process. And guess who made the decision on whether an item got to stay or not? Jane, not me. She tuned in and tapped into her power. She knew. Fear was not in the house. Freedom and choice had moved in.
So NOW we are ready to shop - with PURPOSE and a LIST. That is all!
Just love working with executives on purpose! Woot!