Thursday, January 23, 2014

So the client gave me some feedback

Last week I facilitated a workshop at CYLK in Chapel St, Melbourne on how to achieve 57 outfits with only 12 pieces in the wardrobe.  On the night I made a special offer for attendees to book a one on one express shopping session in store with me for some independant advice.  A number of people took up the offer.  Here's what happened with one of them.

She didn't book on the night.  It was too hot and she went home.  The next day an email arrived suggesting I would probably not be able to help her, a retired professional.  She assumed I worked with corporate women only.  Wrong!  I sent her a couple of documents to help me to get to know her and then booked in a brief coaching session prior to meeting.

She nervously ran through the questions I had asked.  She didn't come up for air.  I asked a couple of dynamite questions that turned the conversation around as to why she was seeking some styling advice and it was 'game on' from that point.

We met at CYLK and the rapport was instant.  I asked her to bring in a couple of garments she never wears and a couple that are her 'go to pieces'.  I provided instant feedback on why some worked and why the other will never work for her.  She was amazed.  I showed her how to identify if a colour, fabric and shape is working or not.  She loved that little trick!

Next I had her rocking an above the knee black skirt and she admitted she was uncomfortable yet prepared to step outside of her comfort zone.  It was that important to her to get some advice to stay fresh and current.  I kept her in the skirt to allow it to grow on her and selected 4 tops to go over it.  She learned about fit vs flow on her body composition and why that matters at her stage in life.

We discussed accessories, her hair and where to find the best shoes for travel.  Oh, we discussed so much more in the hour and a bit we spent together for $247.  After using the $50 workshop voucher, her session was only $197.

So here's what she said:

Dear Helen

Just a brief email to say how very much I enjoyed our session this afternoon.

As you know, I had never done anything like that before so I was quite out of my comfort zone, but you were very affirming and encouraging, and full of excellent suggestions.  I came away feeling really energised, and feeling that I could put into practice a number of the suggestions which you had made.

I also came away with a list of many of the garments which I had tried on.  I'm thinking about that list overnight, and will go back and purchase some items later this week.

I should note too that you were extremely generous with your time, and I am grateful for that.  You gave me well and beyond what I had paid for.  Thank you for that generosity.

I look forward to receiving by email the notes and suggestions which you made.

Again, many thanks for a most productive and enjoyable session.


Is it any wonder I love the impact this work has on my beautiful clients????  Of course not.  She felt honoured and respected because that's the intention I set prior to speaking with her on the phone.  One of my little rituals.  It works.  That is all.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Are you being served?

When I was growing up Mum would shop at Tony's local fruit shop around the corner in Essendon. Tony went to the market each morning for fresh produce and he purchased fruit and vegetables with his clients in mind.  As kids, we would be given a small apple, polished lovingly on Tony's apron and handed to us with a smile as a gift.  We loved it!  Mum would sit on the bench with her list and Tony served her.  He packed her old jeep or delivered the goods to her door.  At some stage while I was growing up, the world changed and Tony closed down.  The big supermarkets moved in and cut the price.  It wasn't long before they raised the price once they has squeezed the little guy out.

So, we had service.  And now it would seem that we have none.  Or, we have self check out.  Let's consider the fashion industry.  How many times have you waved your cash or credit card around in our major departments stores in Australia, trying to pay for an item?  God forbid you have tried to get some service or assistance in any of them?

As an executive stylist, I have observed a trend of very little service in boutiques and department stores.  When I worked at the ANZ Bank many moons ago, I recall a branch manager stating that his job would be a lot easier without his clients.  Seriously??????  Yes, he meant it.

In my experience with fashion, men and women want to be served.  Women will enter a boutique to escape from their children and have a break, some are seeking inspiration, shopping for a purpose - wedding or funeral outfit and others are mindlessly seeking a bargain because they don't know what they want.  All they know for sure is that they need something.

What I know for sure, having had a good dose of on the floor retail experience, is that they want to be served.  They simply do not know what they do not know.  As a retailer, when you can communicate, connect and serve your client, you win them for life!

So, who here is old enough to remember "Are you being served?" on TV?????  Look at them all dolled up, loads of staff waiting to serve the customer!  Now compare that to your major department store in your capital city.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Makeover

It was time.  After ten years of personal styling, divorce, moving house, illness and life in general - it was time for a new beginning, my very own personal new beginning.

Colette, Helen, Peta-Gai
I connected with the guru of transition, Colette Werden who quickly cut to the chase of what the make over was really all about.  I allowed myself to be coachable and Colette did her best work.  Phase I had begun.

She sorted through my chosen outfits for the photo shoot and then started pieces together things I would never have connected.  She did what I do for my clients, I just could not do that for myself.  Yeah, I was nervous.  Put yourself in my shoes.  Reckon you might be too.  With the greatest of respect she enquired into the possibility of my daughter's wardrobe ......... and in we went to borrow a leather jacket from materialbyproduct a $20 skirt and a pair of red heels.  Well .......  I never ...... thought I would do that!  But it worked and my lovely 22 year old daughter was delighted and quite flattered to be honest!

On the day of the photo shoot, I started with Bianca at Capelli Armadale for hair that the camera would be happy with.  That means no sticky uppy bits!  She knew the drill.  Bianca has done all of this before.  Bruce had cut and coloured the week before.  Yes there is a pattern shaved into the back of my head.

Peta-Gai weaved magic with her beautiful make up from Iridis under instruction from Colette about exactly which red the camera and my skin tone would be happy with.

In the background I was conscious of a thick and fast conversation going on between Colette and the magician I like to own as my photographer, Joel Rainford.  Every little detail ...... covered.  Intense conversation leaving me feeling pretty smart for the dream team I had selected.  No stone was left unturned.  Joel was determined that she knew how to capture the desired look.  Colette was not leaving anything to chance.  Professional to the finest detail.  The brief was to capture my personality, professional, trustworthy, fun, a tad rebellious, engaging and have you feel like you need to pick up the phone and hire me!

I've spent the new year holiday period giving away, donating or ebaying the clothing in my wardrobe that no longer serves me.  It belonged to my friend Helen who has now moved forward.  The look is clean, sleek and modern.  I'm owning my curves and sense of sassy!  Time to celebrate my shape. Now I'm not suggesting that the gypsy or the hippie in me has gone forever ...... I'm just more select about when she comes out!

 My dream team are worth their weight in gold and I highly recommend them.  This transition to a new brand has been an inside out progression.  It is strategic and fits with a new, challenging and exciting 2014.  Looking forward to sharing Phase II with you soon.

Too FAT for Kookai???

OMG!  Check out this blog on Mamma Mia's website.  Lucy Gransbury shares her experience with Kookai's sizing system. 

They use 1 or 2.  They deleted 3.  Be a smart idea for them to niche and market themselves as a small, narrow frame designer, but they don't.

The real issue here is that there are no sizing standards for women's fashion in Australia.  The rest of the world have them and we don't.  Rock on TFIA - the battle for sizing standards is not lost.  We simply have not won yet!

My clients regularly ask me what size they are in different labels because they simply don't understand it.  How on earth is it that I can be a size 10 in one label and a 'large' in another?  Let's pretend I'm in kindergarten and tell it to me like I'm only four years old.

Fact is, Australian designers are messing with our heads.  I've been sharing this revelation with corporate and personal clients in seminars and personal consultations for years.  A size 14 woman goes shopping and fits into a size 12.  Is she happy about that?  You bet she is.  All of a sudden she finds more in her budget to spend at THAT store.  Why?  Because she's feeling pretty damn good about herself right now.  She's feeling slim, successful and that deserves rewarding, dosen't it?  Huge win to that designer.  They get the sale and serve to confuse the consumer about their size.

Another label decides to toss the sizing system out the door and label garments with 1, 2, 3, 4.  Well that sounds more attractive than 10, 12, 14, 16 dosen't it?  It serves to mask the fact that she really is a size 16 - now she's size 4.  Relate that to sizing standards in the USA.  She's looking quite thin now!

The real problem is that so many women define themselves by their clothing size, not their shoe size of the length of their hair - their clothing size.  So when a designer like Kookai stocks only 1 or 2 - it automatically makes over women over size 10 feel less than fabulous.  If there's one thing that sucks the energy out of room in a nano second, it's a woman trying on a garment that is way too small.  You can see the thought bubbles flying out of her head "not good enough", "I'm too fat",  "nothing here fits me" ......... 

It's bad news for women.  I've been known to cut labels off while shopping, or re-label a 16 to be a 10.  That's how much impact the numbers have on some women! 

What's your experience?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

One Small 12 Piece Wardrobe - 57 Outfits to cover your whole life!

Whether we’re time poor, lacking confidence or just a little overwhelmed by choice, sometimes we all need a little help in the wardrobe department.

Cylk would love for you to come indulge with us over a glass of bubbles and learn how to make the most of your wardrobe with one of Australia’s top image stylists, Helen Robinett.

She has worked as a stylist for 10 years, with many more years experience in the industry, and is well known for her warmth and humour and knowledge of personal branding

While most of us are guilty of only wearing a fraction of what is in our wardrobe, she’ll show you how to make your purchases really earn their rent.

Helen is not afraid of breaking the styling rules and is set on smashing the myths on what we should and shouldn’t wear both for business and pleasure.

You will see 12 key pieces transformed on a real body into 57 different outfit options for work, cocktails, Friday night drinks, Sunday brunch, Prahran Market on Saturday, Dinner with friends, casual BBQ, Job interview, night club and dinner with your folks.

She is one of only six image professionals in Australia to achieve the designation of Certified Image Professional through the Association of Image Consultants International and has published a book on Personal Branding, Apprentice to Business Ace. Helen also chairs the board for TRY Australia and Big Brothers Big Sisters in Melbourne.

Join us for this special workshop in store at 497 Chapel Street South Yarra in Melbourne at 630pm until 830pm on Wednesday 15 Jan 2014.

We will be serving champagne and light refreshments.

Numbers are limited and bookings are essential at $30 per head.

Call Erin on 9827 7528 to book now.