Friday, December 13, 2013

Women's body image - enough is enough!

Recent events with Justin Bieber calling a Hyatt Regency Perth hotel guest a beached whale have raised concerns around body image.  Click here to hear the radio interview on 2dayfm.

There are three issues that matter:

  • A high profile celebrity in a powerful position missed an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to society.  Calling on #Hugh Jackman or #Will Smith to step up and provide some guidance and mentoring to the young celebrity in the middle of this issue.  C'mon guys.  Boys learn to be a man from a man. 
  •  Given his fan base are young women, who are prone in teenage years to have major concerns about their body image, this is a major issue.  The media do not help either.  Click on this link to watch what Jean Kilbourne has to say about the media and women's body issues: media & body image
  • Women are on the cusp of coming to a position where they are begining to accept their body as it is.  I love seeing full figured women in a swim wear, proud of their curves.  Pregnant women proudly display their growing belly with fitted clothing instead of the tents we used to wear years ago.  The insult of a curvy, size 12 - 14 young woman is totally unacceptable.  Enough is enough.
Finally, bravo Dove for embarking on a campaign to change the way we see ourselves!  This four minute video illustrates the emotion of what happens when an artist draws women and they realise their beauty.  The awakening is so very beautiful.

We are all absolutely fabulous, just the way we are.

How do you see your body? Are you able to honour the uniqueness that is you?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Helen Robinett - BIO

Executive Stylist & Coach, Animal Lover, Speaker, Gardener, TFIA Trainer, Mother, Author, Stylist Mentor, Conscious Styling Innovator

Helen Robinett is obsessive about helping people to feel fantastic about themselves. With a background of over 20 years in sales and marketing coupled with extensive experience advising leading corporate and individual clients, Helen understands why personal and professional image are key ingredients in business success. Helen works with clients to develop a comprehensive image-management strategy and ensures that staff reflect the image and branding of the company.

Helen is experienced in delivering dynamic presentations designed to inspire and enlighten.  Popular topics include the importance of first impressions; managing perceptions of those around you; dressing for where you want to be; disrupting the style rules for leaders and effective wardrobe management.  Helen is known for her warmth, humour and impactful style.

She has extensive retail experience in men’s and women’s leading fashion labels on both national and international levels.

Her ability to maximize the potential look and feel of individual personalities and corporate cultures is second to none.  Helen is recognized within government and corporate environments as the ‘go to’ person for executive styling.  Clients who have experienced Helen’s magic touch often speak of having a new attitude and approach to their work and life.

She is one of only six image professionals in Australia who has achieved the designation of Certified Image Professional through the Association of Image Consultants International and has published a book on Personal Branding, Apprentice to Business Ace.  She is also a recent edition in the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Who’s Who of Australian Business Women.

Helen Chairs the board for TRY Australia and Big Brothers Big Sisters Melbourne.