Monday, August 5, 2013

Innovating YOUR personal brand in business

I recently attended a Network Central breakfast at the Park Hyatt.  Robynne Berg from Berg Consulting spoke on INNOVATION.

Richard Branson - Innovator
So, interesting to hear that competency in business is no longer enough.  Human Capital (as corporates call them) or People (as I call them) need to be innovative in behaviour and approach.  An MBA is no longer enough.  Smart leaders are bringing together different people to generate innovative thought for the business.

You see, innovators see the world differently to everyone else.  'Aha' moments are the breeding ground of innovation.  You know that moment when you are in the shower, out walking the dog, sitting on public transport or battling the traffic and a weird thought pops into your head?  This is innovation.  And innovation needs experimentation.  It's really cool to test your idea out, allow it to fail, learn from it and go again.

'Aha' moments ......
I see this time and time again with leaders and emerging professional leaders in business with stepping their image and branding up to match their brains.  Let's face it, anyone can wear a suit.  Easy done.  We never see Richard Branson in a suit.  His image and branding is completely unique and it works for him.  He has a relaxed style direction and we can see it.

The challenge comes with understanding WHO you are in terms of your personality style and unique values.  Knowing how to project that into the garment, so that the world gets to really see who you are in business is magic!  People do business with people they like and trust.  Visually, this can be built in a way that uniquely serves you.

So, the intention is to play, experiment and have a go.  Hit control, alt, delete on assumptions and expectations on what works for your image and step outside your comfort zone.  Question why.  The corporate suit is no longer the 'ideal' for leaders in business.

Innovation comes in design, interesting cut, fabric and fit.  Leaders and innovators need to stand out a bit and communicate their difference in many ways.

Australian Fashion Designers are leading innovation.  Among my favorites are Ted Baker, almarker, materialbyproduct, Collette Dinnigan

The brain can rewire new skills.  How cool is that?

Time to innovate and update your image?  Be one of the first 5 to connect at for a FREE 30 minute coaching session on your personal image.